Like I said Star Wars Is My Movie/movies....
even as cool as Star Wars theme is......
Jaws theme gave me a feeling OF TERROR!!!!!!!
anyone from the 70's can't deny this......
It was scary SHIT LOL
what are some of your relaxing instrumental hits?
i have always liked this one, among others to listen to and relax.
Like I said Star Wars Is My Movie/movies....
even as cool as Star Wars theme is......
Jaws theme gave me a feeling OF TERROR!!!!!!!
anyone from the 70's can't deny this......
It was scary SHIT LOL
what are some of your relaxing instrumental hits?
i have always liked this one, among others to listen to and relax.
Ok I love Star Wars ....we all know that....
but the music theme of the 70's.....even thou I love STAR WARS.....
Was Jaws....
Iwasn't afriad to fly as kid....
but after JAWS.....
Damn I didn't want to take a bath or swim in a POOL...
all I heard was this song.....
70's classic
what are some of your relaxing instrumental hits?
i have always liked this one, among others to listen to and relax.
what are some of your relaxing instrumental hits?
i have always liked this one, among others to listen to and relax.
what are some of your relaxing instrumental hits?
i have always liked this one, among others to listen to and relax.
what are some of your relaxing instrumental hits?
i have always liked this one, among others to listen to and relax.
what are some of your relaxing instrumental hits?
i have always liked this one, among others to listen to and relax.
what are some of your relaxing instrumental hits?
i have always liked this one, among others to listen to and relax.
ZEPPELIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dAMN You Beksbks
I should of said that!!!!!!!!!!
Here Iam in the 17th century when i should've been in 1970
a self serving, self rightoues, judgemental fool who's favourite swear word is "fudge" did you know any "flanders" types at the kingdom hall.
we had a special pioneer who would mention "the wonders of jehovah's creation"...while we were cleaning the kingdom hall toilets!!!
I agree Ned Is Cool.....even thou he's Religious LOL
I'd invite him to my Party!!!.....
Ok Darth will go Evil....
especially if his wife was still alive ....yum yum LOL
what are some of your relaxing instrumental hits?
i have always liked this one, among others to listen to and relax.